Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Some of you may have seen the facial hair, here is the reason...
A couple guys and I decided to grow out mustaches for a big event this last weekend. The following is a photo story of the mustache...
And another Before Shot:
Step 1: The first cut
Step Two: Begin the 'Fumanchu' (Yes, the FUMANCHU)
Step 3: The 'Fumanchu' (This would have been great if my hair could fill-in)
Enter, 'the Mustache'
Finally, the Head Shot...

Believe it or not, I only some-what look like the creepy used car salesman down the street... Good thing this was only for the weekend. Not go ahead and leave your "why..." comments.


Hauser said...

Niiiiiice, loooooking good duuuude!

How about that weather cooperating for the Iceman training....good stuff!

Hauser said...

Very nice, looooooking good Duuuude! Get outside and train in the balmy temps!

Preston Krueger said...

I just want to know how that conversation happened.

person one: so its pretty nice outside, are you looking forward to this thing over the weekend.

person 2 sure yeah, sounds fun. are we sure we have everything? bug spray check
other gear check
you know what we forgot?

person 1: no whats that

person 2: Mustaches, we forgot the mustaches

person 1: your rite my friend, without mustaches the bears might get us. the wild life must fear our mustaches.