Saturday, March 7, 2009

Iceman, Training, Racing

Like I said in my last post, I really underestimated how much work 12 credits could be. Especially with three night classes, it seems like my workload effectively doubled from last semester where I had 16 credits of classes. To say the least - work and school are kicking my butt. The good news is that I have been able to get in some workouts about every-other day right now. Yesterday also offered some beautiful weather to get out for a good long ride on Lake Dr. I put in 34 miles, feeling like I could do more; though my small amount of food and water along with my schedule would just not allow for more.
Besides training, I have been working to figure out my racing calendar from now until November and it has been no easy task. As some of you already know the Iceman Registration was just nuts and still is. I was lucky enough to accidentally log in and register before registration was actually open (maybe this is part of the reason they were having problems?). So I am now officially doing the Iceman, though we shall see who else from the Flyers get in! Collegiate racing started Feb 28 in Kentucky and there is another race today in Indiana. Between the sheer number of races and the fact that I will be in Florida from March 13-23, work will not let me do any races in March. Right now I am hoping to be able to do a couple races in April still before regionals. So it looks like my collegiate road season for 2009 will be 2-3 race weekends. I guess the up-side is that no matter what, I will be in better shape for summer racing and a little closer to moving up a category this year.


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