Thursday, September 27, 2007

Today, I decided to get out and begin preparing for the last WORS race of 2007. This morning I was a little worried as it was raining quite a bit. Luckily, after lunch the roads looked pretty good and I set out for about 40 miles taking a route I was shown the other week, Heading up Lake Dr, doing a little zig-zag on Port Washington, and ending up on N. Lake Shore Dr spitting me out near Concordia University (Just North of Mequon Road if you know the area). (The Route is in red on the map)

This was the first time on the bike since the weekend so I was a little stiff, but I managed to keep the cadence around 85 and an average speed of 19.2 mph.

I did learn I big lesson today though... It is always good to make sure that you will not have to make a ...ahem... stop along the way. I reached the halfway mark just past Concordia and realized I would not make it back. Lesson part 2, if you are on populated roads, you cannot stop and go in the woods. So the dilemma is obvious, but I had to go. I rode around a little bit and then I saw this little trail heading away from the road. Lots of gravel and still pretty open but I was desperate. Long story short I looked twice and took a "nature break" to spend lots of time looking at birds, the trees swaying in the wind, and the house about 100 feet from where I was and more the street that was more like 20 feet away.

With the nature break out of the way, I headed on back. I felt good for most of the way, but about 8 miles from home I was out of food and my cadence was dropping, so it was time to push all the way home. Thankfully I recovered a little and made it home without and issue.

Overall, a pretty good ride. I think this weekend I am going to head back to green bay to do some power intervals on Scray's Hill. I'll be sure to post how that goes.

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