Tuesday, May 13, 2008

High(er) Mileage

Quite obviously time has been moving fast. Only a few weeks ago I thought school would never end, racing would be far off in the distance, and I would have plenty of time to make up for a long winter's rest. One week ago was WORS #1 at Iola, School is done tomorrow, and I should have been riding for months now. But who is counting, right? Other than me, not very many. Today was the day that I finally broke out of my relaxation shell and put on some good mileage. The last few days I have been meaning to get some short rides in, but weather and finals seem to have gotten in the way. Yesterday was my hardest day for exams with both my Managerial Accounting and Spanish (Cumulative) Exams. I think it goes without saying that last night I felt relieved of the heavy burden of school. My two exams tomorrow are not too hard and then I am officially done with my first year at Milwaukee. So getting back to the point of my story, I slept in until about 8:00 and then got out for what I thought would be a 20 mile ride at 9:00. I would have been happy with getting in 20 miles seeing as I have a few things to do this afternoon, but the legs were feeling great and I wanted to do more.
I headed along my usual route and went just north of Mequon. I knew that I would have a headwind/crosswind the entire way back so I turned around short of Concordia University and headed home. Unfortunately I was quite right about the headwind. Suddenly as I turned around, it seemed as if the wind shifted and gained speed too. Still feeling great, I tucked into a nice aero position and pushed it hard to get back. As I neared Silver Spring Dr. I felt the winds die down and got a little energy back.
On the majority of my rides, it seems as if I always find something that is new or interesting and today was no exception. As I cut through a small suburb, I noticed a strange looking animal in a yard. I thought it was a statue, but is was moving. As I rode past I took a triple-take because I could have sworn it was a little black pig or warthog. And to my surprise, I was correct. Here in the yard of a (very nice and expensive) home, was this little black pig with a blue harness for a leash. How about that for a pet! A little further along, I thought to go and take a picture but decided against it. I am sure, at times, it is weird enough having a guy riding a bike in spandex slowing down to look at your pet, let alone having him ride past, turn around, stop, pull out a camera, and take a few pictures of your pet! Maybe on one of my next rides I can have the camera at the ready for a quick shot.
Shortly after the pig sighting, I was back at the apartment for a ride of just over 30 miles. Not bad at all! Hopefully I can keep this trend up and be in good shape for Lake Geneva! Speaking of racing, the Iola report will be up soon! I Promise! (For all of my very loyal readers!)

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