Thursday, May 21, 2009

It's Official: School is out!

As a student, the last exam is sort of like the end of the semester. Suddenly, there are no more commitments such as studying and working, but there is still a cloud lingering overhead as if it really is not all over. This metaphorical cloud is of course the grades from the semester. I seem to check every day until each grade appears in the table for the semester. When they finally come in, I can relax and know that everything is in the books. Most of my grades came in quickly, but as luck would have it, I had to wait the longest for the grade I was most concerned about. I could have predicted all of my grades (except for this one) weeks before they were in, the problem was my finance class. This semester I had the pleasure of being taught finance between 5:30 and 8:15 one night each week by an adjunct professor (a person hired for one semester to teach a class - i.e. not a true university professor). To say the least, I sat by as a good class went from bad to worse. I will spare the gory details, but at the end of the semester I found myself fighting just to pass the class. After a long semester and after taking all the exams, I had to sit and wait just a little longer to see what the damage would be. After more than a week, I had the answer. I watched as my cumulative GPA slid nearly 2 tenths of a point from one class. The good news is that my other grades helped to keep my GPA up and hopefully still on the Dean's List.
Better yet, school is now officially over and I can focus 100% on racing this summer. I think I may just celebrate by doing a good 40 miles tonight after work!


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